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Beloved Mother Of Suzanne Von Borsody

Renowned Actress Rosemarie Fendel Passes Away at 85

Beloved Mother of Suzanne von Borsody

Actress Succumbs to Illness

Acclaimed German actress Rosemarie Fendel has passed away at the age of 85 following a brief but serious illness. Fendel, who was the mother of actress Suzanne von Borsody, died in Frankfurt on Friday, November 25.

Fendel's career spanned decades, with numerous notable performances in both television and film. Her iconic role as Verena Kröger in the 2003 television film "Mensch Mutter" earned her widespread recognition and critical acclaim.

Suzanne von Borsody paid tribute to her mother, who would have celebrated her 87th birthday on the day of her passing. Fendel's death leaves a void in the German acting community and beyond, as she was known for her talent, grace, and artistic integrity.
